Home Made Pies?

Growing up I did not know you could make pies at home since my mother only bought Sara Lee Pies. Even for bake sales at the church she would buy Sara Lee. Of course, we have homemade pie at my grandma Manning’s. But these were special already made and baked when served. It was not until I was in my teens did, I find out why my mother did not bake pies.  I still shutter in fear of offending some like my dad did.

Three weeks after my parent got married, his mother came over to visit the new bride. They had a good visit. During the visit his mother present the new bride with a homemade baked apple pie, “Just like Jimmy likes,” stated his mother.

Now, at this point I should mention something about my mother’s work history.  My mother was a year ahead of my father in high school so took a job at the local dinner until my father finish high school. She would bake all the pies served in the dinner for extra money. And her pies were well like by both the locals and truck drivers. There were many drivers who would stop just get pie and coffee from Phyllis.

Now new bride, Phyllis in the rush to get dinner on the table for ‘Jimmy’ forgot to mention his mother visit and the freshly baked apple pie.  Phyllis served the pie for dessert. Jimmy cut one quarter of the pie and place it on his plate.  Phyllis got herself a much smaller portion of the pie. Jimmy took his first bit of the pie with his fork and said waving his fork toward his new bride. “My mother uses more sugar in her pies.”

Phyllis was flabbergasted at his comment. He then took another bite and waved his fork at her and said, “My mothers pies are flaker.” Phyllis jaw drop even farther open. Jimmy then take another bite and wave his fork once again and started with, “My Mother…” Phyllis cut him off and said, “Your mother made this pie and if she cannot please you, I never will.”

So, if we had pie it came from Sar Lee.  Mother would bake everything else but pies. I was 25 years old and home on leave from the military and walked in to the kitchen to see my mother making a pie.  It seems the local church had found out about the pie story and some how tricked her in to baking one. Not my father did buy Phyllis pie at the bake sale for 100 dollars, I heard later. He ate it without comment.

Many years later I was visiting my parents with my children and my mother was baking pies for dinner. I quietly asker why she was doing so.  She told me it was self-preservation, dad has started to trying to bake pies.